Climbing center

Idea projektu

The diploma thesis deals with the project of climbing center situated in Vypich in Prague. Analysis of this location have been prepared in seminary. The aim of the project is to create attractive environment for leisure of indoor and outdoor activities.

Popis projektu

Climbing center is multifunctional buildings consist of climbing wall, bouldering wall, fitness center, three exercise halls and welness center in underground floor which provides various type of saunas, whirpool, relaxing room, massages and care of physiotherapist or diagnostic. Highlight of the climbing wall is two-storeyed terrace with view of surroundings and climbers on the wall. In outdoor area is designed roofed playground and outdoor fitness machine.

Technické informace

Spatial polygonal structural is made of wooden beams with dimensions 400x200 mm and 300x100 mm. Structure is statically fixed and basic modul is triangle.

Hana Nováková

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Architecture

Czech Republic




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