The Barn

Idea projektu

Reconstruction of the old and unused building of cinema in the heart of the Wallachian village to rented housing. Various housing units offer place for all types of people - young man who wants to become independent, old people who do not have a strenght for taking care of their big house, young family saving money for their own house, artist who looks for an inspiration in beautiful nature, etc.. In this project I wanted to merge new modern lifestile and genius loci of the Wallachian village and nature. All flats are available from gallery, which connects all the different people and tenders a space for meeting each other - that creates a more neighbourly atmosphere similiar to the country way of life. The village as landlord will earn the investment in reconstruction back in future years.

Popis projektu

By erasing a few non-bearing walls I created an open space with gallery. To create an intimacy for the neighbours and to bring a light inside at the same time, the wall at the edge of the property steps back and creates the gallery.

Technické informace

Existing building is made of the concrete frames and masonry. The reconstruction consists of the demolition of small part of the building, insulation of the existing and inserted new timber construction as an extension. The levels of the flats are adjusted to existing floor difference of a cinema auditorium. The timber cladding is inspired by the traditional texture found on the shields of vernacular Moravian architecture and it is encircling the whole complex creating personal spaces in the gaps of the masses.

Nikol Dlabacova

FA VUT - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture

Czech Republic




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