The Trails of Marsov

Idea projektu

The assignment was very open. To create objects that will serve both the inhabitants of Marshov and tourists, especially as resting places. Part of the assignment was a selected plot of land on which one such object should be built

Popis projektu

The village of Studená is large and consists of a number of villages. Although each of them is in some way unique, they are united by the presence of water. Not only because the ponds surround the village, but in the vast majority of cases, the main public space is formed, or historically shaped, in their immediate vicinity. Therefore, our goal was to discover such places in individual villages. It should be noted that in several cases the ponds disappeared from the village square (especially in the 18th century), or at least have shrunk considerably. Nevertheless, it is possible to perceive their footprint in the landscape. The routes around Maršovské rybníky, which our project deals with in more depth, can also be perceived as a pilot project, while similar routes could be set up around ponds in other villages. Maršov is a small village with almost 50 inhabitants. It enchants with its picturesque aesthetics of village buildings and the charming surrounding landscape, which is dominated by ubiquitous water areas. Two newly renovated ponds in the center of the village reflect the gable roofs of the surrounding houses. Other ponds are Houser Pond, Obecní Pond and Strany Pond. The Tříhrázný rybník, which forms the watershed of two seas, is definitely worth mentioning. A blue tourist route leading to Czech Canada passes through Maršov, and a thematic cycle route No. 5261 called Greenway Region Renaissance runs through the village. After exploring Maršov and its surroundings, we set out three hiking trails that lead around Maršovské rybníky - red, blue and orange. The red route leads directly through Mašovská náves, shows the beauties of the village itself and we complement it with small objects that will be especially appreciated by Maršované. The blue route is directly connected to the red one, it is particularly interesting for its beautiful and extensive water areas of the Strana pond. It has a lot to offer both the old settler and the tourist. The orange route is a bit more distant, so it can be judged that the inhabitants of Maršov will also be understood as a tourist. We are now looking deeper into the red route, because it can probably best enrich Maršov, mainly because it focuses, among other things, on the Maršov square itself.

Technické informace

The construction systems of individual objects are different, but all of them are always simple and made of wood.

Rodova, Simkova

FA VUT - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture

Czech Republic




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