Idea projektu
The aim of the STU Center is creating a common space for the entire STU university. The design is based on the requirements on the dimensions of the internal building functions.
Popis projektu
We took the natural lighting into account -- the new building is rotated as to maximize the eastern and western sunshine exposure while simultaneously reducing southern sunshine exposure in order to maintain living temperature. The rotation defines a raster, which is repeated in the whole design. Our design also includes partial roofing of the outdoor areas, allowing comfortable foot travel between buildings even in unfavorable weather conditions. The height of the new building was chosen to avoid the sight of it from the outer streets, while still enabling the upper floors to overlook nearby city dominants.
Technické informace
The new building is being implemented as a beam connecting two sides of the campus. It's supported solely by columns in the exterior and reinforced support system of the central laboratory building.
Tereza Hladíková, Markéta Lipovská
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Republic
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