Culture Village 2, Dubai

Idea projektu

A housing project for a Dubai's newly constructing district - Culture Village. The volumes were created as a sum/difference of two ellipses while getting compact shape in balanced forms. Tension and communication can be felt. Horizontal and vertical perspective have been supported by water skylights and openings in buildings masses. The result is an opennes to surroundings and a bay. Chosen shapes allowed to design semi-public spaces and simple access to water level. The project is focused on effective use of energies, passive cooling and water management.

Popis projektu

The project consists of an detailed urban plan and design of a housing district with a shopping mall and marina. A significant portion of the project is allocated to energy and water management.

Technické informace

Buildings rise up to 12 resp. 7 storeys covering 32 000 sqm of a floor area. The shopping mall contains 25 tenant units on 4000 sqm. Energy solution counts with solar gains to heat the utility water. Cooling is preferred as passive using vertical ventilation in atriums at night. Individual cooling in flats is provided by VRF system. Protection from an overheating of interiors is managed by double ventilated facade and intelligent sunbreakers.

Lucie Medová

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Czech Republic




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