Family house, Prague

Idea projektu

The main conceptual idea was to create a private area for the inhabitants of the house in the garden, to connect the social area of the living room and kitchen with the garden and to create the garden that will be perceived as a part of the interior. Am important idea was also to separate the social area, the quiet zone and the atelier for the owner of the house. When working with both conceptual ideas, an important vista was created in the middle of the house from the street line to the end of the garden, where the water gate dominates. The vista passes through the whole land through the entrance hall of the house, which serves as a central hall, through the water areas of the ponds (shallow and bathing pond) to the water gate itself. The concept of construction and material solution of a family house was also influenced by the work of the owner of the house – a forensic expert on the statics and dynamics of the building structures, this idea is reflected throughout the house

Popis projektu

Family house for four-membered family. The investor is a married couple and two children. There is an emphasis on the common area of the whole family, but also on the privacy of individual family members. Due to the profession of the owner of the house (forensic expert on the statics and dynamics of building structures), the house is treated a bit untraditionally.

Technické informace

The walls and ceiling construction of the house are made of reinforced concrete. The building is based on a baseplate and covered with a green roof with an attic. The 1st and the 2nd floor are connected by a two-arm steel staircase which is extended outside the building to the north facade. The part of the house including a staircase is designed as a light perimeter cladding which is anchored to the reinforced concrete load-bearing wall. On the 2nd floor, one of the rooms is cantilevered above the 1st floor, which creates a shelter for parking and protected entrance “dry foot” to the house. The material solution of the interior of the house follows the exterior of the house. There is also used architectural concrete, anthracite accessories and light wood. The family house is clad on the 1st floor with a dark (anthracite) boards made of high-pressure laminate, which creates a mutual contrast and significantly differentiates the levitating material of the 2nd floor.

Michala Kučerová

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Czech Republic




Rada studentům

Akustika - ozvěna není pohodlí domova

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