Kindergarten FUTUR

Idea projektu

Project originally introduced as kindergarten of the future made me think about the needs of children and future education. The most important knowledge that children are getting from kindergarten is education about living in society. My main idea was the opportunity for children to have contact with everybody despite age. In my opinion, the concept of connecting children can positively influence their ability to cooperate, teach and motivate each other. That's why I created space as a flexible area where children can play and work together. Color concept Question of colors is sometimes more important than it looks. Nowadays the opinion of people is divided on 2 extreme sides. One side says that kindergarten has to be colored and then we have super crazy spaces full of randomised and mostly aggressive colors. The other one says exactly the opposite, that colorful spaces are not modern and it's more chill without them, so we have “black and white” kindergartens. That's why I made extensive research about the influence of colors, especially for children. Analysis shows that colors have a positive influence on mood and it works not only for children. Our color preference is based on experiences from childhood and on the environment where we grew up. That all defined my strongest concept, because it challenged me to create a perfectly colored kindergarten. Color concept contains 5 colors with different hue and saturation, which accompanies the entire interior and makes harmonical look

Popis projektu

Whole building is designed in 3 blocks. First block is on street level and it works as an entrance with changing rooms and offices. This part of the building also assures privacy for gardens from public areas. On the other hand, parents have a perfect view of the garden when they come in. But the real fun starts when children say goodbye to their parents and slide on toboggan right at the center of action. That is one of 4 possibilities to reach the main space of the kindergarten, which is made up of 2 blocks on the level of the garden. One block works as a playroom and after lunch is easily changed to a bedroom. Last block is designed for classrooms. Classrooms and playrooms are divided by sliding doors, which can be opened and make one big classroom and playroom. How the space looks will depend on the needs of the activity and decision of the teacher. Whole kindergarten is created as small as possible to have more space for the garden, because the building is right in the center of the city, where the majority of children is living in flats without it. I wanted to give them more outdoor space and make their experience special. That was also for me strong motivation to create connections between outdoor and indoor areas. Playrooms and classrooms have huge windows on the side of the garden and smaller in eyelevel of children with views on the athletic oval.

Technické informace

All furniture is designed for this project according to the color concept and it follows a significant rounded curve, which is used across the whole project.

Eliška Horáčková

FAST VUT - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Department of Architecture

Czech Republic




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