Campus STU

Idea projektu

Our design comes from a very wide context of whole Bratislava and it’s main landmarks. We wanted to give people inside the new building an oppurtunity to see outside the block just as we wanted to make sure, that this new part of STU will be visible from the streets around. Our design points out, that something is happenning inside the block and that everyone is welcomed in. Major part of our concept was connection. We have decided to convert part of the heavy laboratories into the main indoor meeting hub. This building is in the middle of the area, so it has a perfect location for the heart of this campus. Our addition is built right next to it on both sides of the internal block. This public open space is also connected with Faculty of Civil engineering. All of these halls and connections allow meeting students, teachers and other academical employees with the rest of the public in very organic and simple way. Even people that are just walking through will want to stop and see what is happenning inside Slovakian greatest technical university.

Popis projektu

Thanks to the shape of out design, we have gained lots of space above terrain. We have covered all of the required spaces for Inovative center and other new parts. When entering building, people cross new parts with converted heavy laboratories. This spot works as great meeting hub for everyone, but also includes spaces for workshops and printing rooms. It is possible to change it too multilevel gallery or venue for all types of occassions. In the upper floors are located study rooms for students and above them is canteen with entrance to the roof of heavy laboratories. In the main part of our structure is located Innovative and presentation centre. In the highest spot, that has direct view to Liberty square, Bratislava Castle and other landmarks is located Rectorate. These representative spaces are directly connected to the Faculty of Mechanical engineering. Extra Cafeteria and relax zone is in the third and smallest part. All places can be reached from all entrances of the building even from other faculties.

Technické informace

Most parts of our bearing structure are from reinforced concrete. Lower parts of the building have two layers of facade - first is made from glass and second is created by perforated steel sheets. The upper parts are held by massive steel girders. These spaces only have glass facade, but they are equiped with outside sun shades for maximum comfort in summer and winter. We used the original construction system of heavy laboratories and only changed some of slabs and facade. New facade is made from Profilit and will also be covered by greenery growing from the top. To reduce heat in the city we have opted for a green roof. Only roof of heavy laboratories is made for walking. Thanks to slightly sloping terrain we were able to place all parking and technical spaces bellow the ground level. Even hall connecting new centre with Faculty of Civil engineering is hidden in the terrain, so most of the ground level space serves public functions. We also added amphitheatre, lots of greenery and multiple places to sit and take a break from working and studying.

Michaela Volfová, Kateřina Zapletalová

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Czech Republic




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