Beirut Evolving - Two Faces of Catastrophy

Idea projektu

The former port of Beirut is divided from the rest of the city by multilevel highway making it nearly impossible to access. The proposal moves the highway underground which results in connecting the area to the urban structures of Beirut and creating a adequate and worthy town district. The districts grid design follows the main possible entrances from the surrounding urban structure. The main connections are led towards the seaside as the most valuable part of the area. The street character is inspired by boulevards and geometric character of the French era. The grid is dominated by two main axes that have different character and meet at the most valuable part of the middle peninsula. The character of the town blocks takes inspiration from the irregularity, picturesqueness and fortuity possesed by the original Beirut buildings with their courtyards and alleys. As the site is definitely one of the most lucrative Beirut districts, city density was increased with high-rise buildings that are dedicated mainly to residential and administrative functions. The city center with highest buildings is defined by two main axes. The eastern part of the area is occupied mainly by offices with open urban spaces and public parcs while the western part is mainly residential with more private courtyards, green streets and canals. The middle peninsula with the relict of the silo building was transformed into representative urban space with philharmonic hall with walkable roof.

Popis projektu

The projects designs a new district of Beirut. The most of the site is transformed into a grid of high-rise objects accommodating working, living and representative functions. The easternmost part of the site is designed to be used as freight port with container areas and administration. That area is not part of this design. Several interesting and important parts of the proposal were designed in higher detail - for example the surrounding of the silo, two main urban axes or the central part of the site.

Technické informace

Designed for the future, the proposal of Beirut Port takes sustainability and ecology in account. Lack of water during hot summer months will be partly covered by water collected during rainy winter months. Rain water will be stored in underground water tanks. Green terraces not only collect water effectively but also cool down the city. The sea water is pumped into the objects and desalinated. That way it can be used for watering green terraces, parks and public greenery. Most of the streets are set in a rectangular grid. Streets going from south to north contain trees providing shadow, as well as those located in courtyards. Those going in the opposite direction are naturaly shaded. High solar radiation income during summer is collected by solar glass windows (BIPV) and the excess of energy is stored in batteries.

Ladislav Podracký, Vojtěch Vodička

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Czech Republic



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