Johan Gregor Mendel polar station

Idea projektu

Proposal of the Czech Antarctica polar station run by Masaryk University in Brno is focused on designing new base for Czech polar expeditions. New station should replace currently using one situated on Antartica peninsula, James Ross island.It does not suit to todays requirements. Every year, expeditions of dozens of scientist, mainly work for MU university, came for summer turnus (from January to March) to explore Antarctica, its geological and biological properties.

Popis projektu

New polar station si designed for approximate number of 30 scientists. It should provide all necessary background including common space, place to sleep and relax, and space for work. Design should be very space economical with the highest efficiency. Station consist of smaller mdular units, which are inspired by the principle of ship container - its construction, ability to be easily transported by ship and be very fast assembled together to create compact mass. Its final shape od double Y offers clear layout which strictly devides station to 3 different sectors - for work, relax and social life.

Technické informace

Station, with shape of 2 mirrored Y, consist of smaler modular unist constructed in Europe, transported by ship and assembled directly in site. Due to extreme weather conditions (higher UV rays, low temperature and strong wind with small abrasive parts) station has special cover with eliptic aerodynamic shape. Together with raised foundation structure, station is protected from being frozed from ground.

Lukáš Kvasnica

FAST VUT - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Department of Architecture

Czech Republic




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