Footbridge over troubled water

Idea projektu

The city of Holice has both a deep past and a bright future. The city is developing, planning the restoration and renovation of its historical treasures and preparing a pleasant background for future generations. The development of the city not only succeeds in stopping the outflow of residents to large agglomerations, but even increases itself. And like any prosperous city, Holice also needs its modern pride. The footbridge over the Ředický potok is an important place connecting three directions - the peripheral district, including a large gymnasium, with the city center, where all important public buildings are located, and finally the sports complex and another large residential district. Hundreds of people pass through here every day, heading to one of the listed destinations. The new footbridge elevates the previously dilapidated place and brings a whole new energy to the place.

Popis projektu

The path along the stream is lined with tall white slats, and the closer one is to the fateful decision of where to go next, the more concentrated the slats are. In his decision-making, you can also be helped by undulating inscriptions of the names of individual destiantions on the ground, which you can grab onto and continue, according to them, to your goal. In addition, the reinforced concrete footbridge over the stream creates a kind of observation deck, when the pedestrian gets above the level of the slats and can calmly see what awaits him at the end of his journey.

Technické informace

The bridge is made of reinforced concrete and painted steel slats.

Marek Hais

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Czech Republic



Architektura Scuplture Public spaces Bridges

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