Idea projektu
LUPULUS – Methodical Center of Agrarian Architecture NPÚ in Žatec is a proposal for the conversion of a hop warehouse in the Prague suburb at Tyršová Street No. 3039, documented for the first time in the imperial imprints of a stable cadastre. Its current use is divided into the ground floor, which is used as shop offices, the remaining two floors and the attic are empty and unused.
Popis projektu
Due to the unique architecture of the buildings intended for processing hops it is proposed to use the warehouse as a methodical center of the NPÚ, focused on the theme of agrarian architecture. The ground floor is intended as a reception and visitor center, 1st floor as a specialist library with an archive. On the 2nd there are offices for NPÚ employees, and the attic is intended as a technological background.
Technické informace
Existing construction is composed by brick walls and wooden beams and floors.
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