Terraced family houses Brno-Líšeň

Idea projektu

The study deals with the design of terraced family houses on a plot of land in the Brno-Líšeň district. The aim was to create terraced family houses. Each of them was designed for a family of four, taking into account the character of the existing buildings and the surrounding area.

Popis projektu

The solved plot is located on the edge of the old Lišeň. It is a long, slightly sloping plot of land running from north to south, the plot is currently used as an orchard with greenery in the immediate vicinity in the surrounding gardens. The proposal is to create a separate road on the site, connecting to existing roads and seven terraced houses with their own plots. The design attempts to be based on the site (location) of the building and its orientation to the points of the compass. In relation to the existing building, a gable roof is used over the second floor. The second floor is set backwards, creating a green roof between the individual houses. This helps to break up the blocky structure of the building. Facing the street, the buildings appear to be rather closed, with the first floor above ground level opening onto the atrium to the south and to the garden with a view of Líšeň to the west. Taking advantage of the slope, the living room is slightly recessed, the second floor, the second floor is designed as a retreat, opening onto the green roof above the first floor. This creates an interesting space with the southern sun entering the interior. The bedroom faces west.

Technické informace

The perimeter walls are double-layered. The supporting structure consists of Porotherm ceramic blocks with a thickness of 250 mm. Individual houses have separate perimeter walls separated by a layer of insulation. The ceilings are made of monolithic reinforced concrete.

Ondřej Tálský

FAST VUT - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Department of Architecture

Czech Republic



Architektura Private House

Rada studentům

HELUZ cihlářský průmysl a.s.

Dobrý den Ondřeji. 

Velmi pěkný a moderní projekt řadové výstavby RD. V dnešní době, s velkým tlakem na maximální využití obytné plochy Vám mohu doporučit využít jako dělící konstrukci cihly HELUZ AKU 17,5 Z broušená. Oproti tl. 250 dojde v každém RD ke zúžení min. o 7 cm, což udělá klidně každému RD 1 metr obytné plochy. Zároveň je také možné využít panelové stropy HELUZ, které velmi urychlí výstavbu a zároveň je možné z nich realizovat i těžkou šikmou střechu, která přináší řadu benefitů pro komfort bydlení. 



HELUZ patří mezi tři největší výrobce zdicích materiálů v České republice. Jako jediný z této trojice je českou rodinnou firmou. Společnost svými…

Ing. Filip Bosák

Manažer technického poradenství


+420 702 029 465

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