Petrol Station Brno

Idea projektu

The significance of the large canopy is based on the concept that the roof of the shop and the refuelling stands will be connected. The design of the canopy creates a clear landmark, defines the entrances to the building, the most important areas and emphasises the function of the shop. The shop floor plan has rounded edhges, its shape communicates with the roof structure. In the interior, there is a change in clearance, the height responds to the importance of the internal operations.

Popis projektu

Urban design The land is located outside the city of Brno, in the Brno-Slatina municipal district, in the Podolí municipality, on the road I/50 "Ostravská" - motorway feeder in the direction of Vyškov. There is only an industrial zone in the vicinity of the land, there is a vacant area near the petrol station. There are two petrol stations in the vicinity, one on the road I/50 in the direction of Brno, the other on the road II/430 in the direction of Vyškov. The buildings of our petrol station (service building and washing line) are located on flat terrain. Architectural design The main building of the petrol station is a shop with facilities for employees and maintenance. The washing station has not been addressed. The service building of the shop is directly connected to the refuelling stand area by its roof. The roof structure is high and rounded, creating a clear landmark - defining the entrances to the building and the most important areas. The roofing structure will be clad with aluminium composite panels in orange (CMYK = 10, 70, 90, 20; RAL 2009). This structure covers the refuelling stands and the main sales area of the service building. The floor plan of the shop has rounded edges and its shape is related to the separate roofing structure. The service building will be clad in grey aluminium composite panels. The main sales area of the building is covered by a separate steel structure. The rest of the building is covered by a flat roof. Inside, the clear height changes according to the type of roofing, responding to the importance of the different parts of the space, with the most important spaces having the highest clear height and the other spaces having lower clear heights. Layout There are two main entrances to the building, the first entrance is located in front of the refuelling stands, the second entrance is located on the opposite side and serves customers who have parked their vehicle in the car park and plan to spend more time in the store. On the left side are the staff facilities and the checkout area if entering the building from the refuelling stands, on the right side is the sales area with shelving, seating and sanitary facilities. The sanitary facilities include a cleaning room, a women's toilet with three sinks and three cubicles, a toilet for the disabled and a men's toilet with two sinks, two urinals and one cubicle. The staff facilities are divided into two sections. In the warehouse part we can find three warehouses, the warehouses have a separate entrance which is intended for supply, the warehouse intended for storage of food for refreshments can also be entered from the cashier-buffet area. In the second part there is a manager's office, a cloakroom with toilet and shower

Technické informace

The building has reinforced concrete foundations (made of concrete blocks). The load-bearing system is made of brick, the load-bearing walls are made of aerated concrete. The construction of the flat roof is made of precast concrete prestressed ceiling panels (Spiroll). The roofing of the tanking, which is smoothly connected to the roofing of the main part of the building, is a steel structure, which consists of 500 mm diameter steel columns, steel trusses made of IPN 120, IPN 160 profiles. The foundations of the steel structure are designed from reinforced concrete monolithic footings and strips.

Ondřej Krejčí

FAST VUT - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Department of Architecture

Czech Republic



Architektura Commercial
  • Bank
  • Exhibition Center
  • Office
  • Pop Up
  • Retail
  • Shopping Mall
  • Showroom
  • Supermarket
  • Factory
  • Farm
  • Laboratory
  • Power Plant
  • Research Facility
  • Warehouse
  • Water Facility
  • Winery
Transport + Infrastructure
  • Airport
  • Bridges
  • Public transport
  • Highway
  • Marina and Ports
  • Parking
  • Train/Subway

Rada studentům

Vytápění objektu: Stropní vytápění - Podlahové vytápění

Váš popis stavebního projektu je velmi podrobný a obsahuje mnoho informací o urbanistickém a architektonickém řešení čerpací stanice. Na základě poskytnutých informací bychom doporučili zvážit několik možností pro vytápění vnitřních prostor. Vzhledem k vysoké střeše a zaoblené konstrukci může být efektivní volbou umístění sálavých panelů nebo topné folie do stropů zaklopené SDK. Tyto prvky mohou poskytnout rovnoměrné a pohodlné vytápění v prostorách s různými světlými výškami.

V případě nedostatku prostoru v stropu by mohlo být vhodné zvážit instalaci topných kabelů nebo rohoží do podlahy. Při výběru vhodného systému vytápění by bylo také dobré vzít v úvahu energetickou účinnost budovy.

Celkově je důležité zajistit, aby vytápění bylo dostatečně účinné a pohodlné pro zaměstnance a zákazníky v různých částech čerpací stanice. Je také vhodné zvážit možné energetické úspory a ekologická hlediska při výběru vytápěcího systému.

Efektivita vytápění: Topné rohože a kabely poskytují rovnoměrné vytápění prostoru, což zajišťuje pohodlí a příjemnou teplotu v celém interiéru bez vytváření studených míst.

Prostorová úspornost: Topné rohože a kabely jsou instalovány pod povrchem (podlahou), což nezabírá žádný dodatečný prostor. To je obzvláště užitečné v situacích, kdy je omezený prostor pro instalaci vytápění.

Snadná instalace: Tyto systémy mají obvykle jednoduchou instalaci, což může snížit náklady na pracovní sílu a čas potřebný k dokončení projektu.

Dlouhá životnost: Topné rohože a kabely jsou obvykle navrženy s ohledem na dlouhou životnost a minimální údržbu, což přispívá k dlouhodobé spolehlivosti vytápění.

Zvažte tyto možnosti a poraďte se s odborníky na vytápění, kteří vám mohou poskytnout další podrobné informace a doporučení v souladu s konkrétními potřebami vašeho projektu.

Instalace topných rohoží do podlahy



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