The home of shadows

Idea projektu

The goal of this project was to create a home for a couple. The only rule was that in the house can be used only sunlight, not any other kind of light.

Popis projektu

The house is divided into two mass parts - cylinder and block. The cylinder part is elevated above the block part, because there is a main social part of the house, such as living room, dining room and kitchen. In the block are all the other rooms - bedroom, main bathroom, closet, toilet and also entrance. For regulation of light, I have used two different solutions. In cylinder I have used vertical panels, which regulate the sun to the selected parts of the room in different time of the day and also shades the room. On the other hand in rooms places in block. The shade is made by creepers, which grows around whole block on the steel ropes. Creepers creates romantic atmosphere in summer. In winter there is enough light, because the creepers drop their leaves.

Technické informace

The main construction of the house is made of reinforced concrete bearing walls. The foudations are also made of reinforced concrete, specificaly reinforced concrete belts. The roof is made of reinforced concrete slab. The steel ropes around the house are attached to the construction.

Šárka Svobodová

FAST VUT - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Department of Architecture

Czech Republic



Architektura Private House

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