Brnenec Archa

Idea projektu

The assignment of the project is partially based on the Inspirelli competition, which together with the foundation with the Archa fund - the Löw-Beer and Oskar Schindler families launched a competition for a museum, memorial and a new residential area with 150 apartments in the southern part.

Popis projektu

The area of ​​the textile mill is located between Brněnec and Moravská Chrastová, and after the urban plan analysis, we came to the opinion that it is not possible to solve the area itself without a connection to the surroundings. It forms a barrier that the locals bypass by the only existing road, sometimes for kilometers in addition. Complications are also brought by the river Svitava with the railway line.

Technické informace

We agree with the original assignment to build a museum on the territory of the former concentration camp the Gross-Rosen Brunlitz camp and the new residential area. Between two campuses we propose the center of the village with the town hall and cultural center, which today in defined form is missing. We are placing a boarding school in the main hall and adjacent buildings, which it draws on the global awareness and educational value of the place.

Zhaidarbek Medetbek Uulu, Dominik Bokr

TUL - Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Architecture

Czech Republic



Urbanismus Cultural
  • Cultural Center
  • Gallery
  • Hall/Theatre
  • Memorial
  • Observation Tower
  • Pavillion
  • Religious
  • Scuplture
Landscape + Planning
  • Playground
  • Parks
  • Public spaces
  • Gardens
  • Waterway
  • Cemetery
  • Apartment
  • Multi Unit Housing
  • Private House
  • Student Housing

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