Idea projektu

The sports arena building responds to the new urban design, which is strategically located in Prague's Zahradní město district. This area is located at the hub of all transport (metro, tram, bus, train, car transport), which ensures easy accessibility from different parts of the city and its surroundings.

Popis projektu

GARDEN CITY ARENA is a new sports hall, primarily used for indoor sports, but also for social and cultural events. The hall has two rings of stands with a total capacity of 2,768 seats. There are also VIP areas, skyboxes, media and press areas, reserved seats for disabled people, refreshments, a camera area and a TV studio. The spectator gallery is designed as an indoor space. The sports hall is strategically located in Prague‘s Zahradní město area, which is easily accessible by various means of transport (metro, tram, bus, train), ensuring easy accessibility from different parts of the city and its surroundings. Immediately adjacent to the arena is the Jižní spojka, which allows convenient and easy access for visitors by car, but also for outdoor teams. The arena is located parallel to Přetlucká street. There is a cycle path around the arena, which is ideal for visitors arriving on bicycles, who can store their bicycles in the adjacent bike rack. Next to the arena, there is also an outdoor leisure sports facility (basketball court and gym), which offers additional sporting opportunities.

Technické informace

The structural system consists of monolithic ribs, which also form the facade of the building. These ribs distribute the loads from the roof and steel trusses. The facade is made of aluminium cladding. The interior is designed as a two-level monolithic grandstand.

Radim Kunart

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Czech Republic



Architektura Sports Center Stadium

Rada studentům

Akustika - klíč ke spokojenosti

Zdravím Radime, nezapomínejte na akustiku. V halách je obvykle velký hluk, který je potřeba zkrotit - co nejvíce utlumit pro pohodlí diváků. Odnesou si tak mnohem komfortnější zážitek. Ze sportovních zápasů diváky nebude bolet hlava a koncerty budou čisté a jasné, zpěv a hlas srozumitelný. Lidé a umělci se sem potom budou rádi vracet.

Navrhněte netradiční, vizuálně efektní řešení na stropě. Akustické panely Silentmax umíme nařezat do jakýchkoliv trarů.



Zabýváme se High-End audiem a akustikou pro náročné. V roce 2022 jsme patentovali značku akustických panelů Silentmax®, které jsou cenově dostupné,…

David Piska


+420 603 775 298


Dobrý den,

ano, nezapomínám na akustiku, jen v tomto rozsahu nebylo nutné se tím zabývat. Každopádně mockrát děkuji za návrh.

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