Rodinný dům Polepy

Idea projektu

A family house for a family of four in the village of Polepy in the Ústí nad Labem region is a regular square-shaped village. The house is designed to respect the part of the future urban plan, which according to the master plan will complete the architecture. The composition of the house is formed with regard to the use of solar gains. rural character of housing and at the same time stood in the offer of contemporary quality The location of the house on the plot ensures the separation of the private garden from the street part with the road.

Popis projektu

Design concept: separate objects -> Possibility to divide the object into two completely The house is designed so that it can be easily divided into two completely separate residential units. Each unit has its own 昀氀exible design allowing for separate living for two families or its own entrance, kitchen, bathroom and living space. This rental of one part of the house. Building alterations required to translations. to this division are minimal, thanks to the pre-designed Separation of the private garden from the public road The plot is designed so that the private garden is clearly separated from the public road. This is achieved through the use of greenery, a concrete fence and the positioning of the building so that from the road side, while the garden is situated to block views from the public area. Access to the house is provided on the opposite side, ensuring maximum privacy for the residents. A/V ratio optimization The ratio of the envelope area (A) to the volume (V) of the building. Shape The design of the house is conceived to optimize the heated portion of the house is designed to minimize the exterior surface area, thereby reducing heat loss and increasing The design allows the layout of the house to be varied through small Variability of layout energy efficiency. Structural modifications to adapt to the current ensures the long-term functionality and adaptability of the house. to the needs and life changes of the owners. This concept Minimising energy consumption for heating The house is designed to maximize solar gains. The use of high-efficiency insulation materials in the walls, the implementation of heat recovery systems and the integration of the roof and floors significantly reduces heat loss. renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic optimize energy efficiency and minimize the consumption of modules built into the solar roof tiles, as well as energy for heating.

Technické informace

Material: The family house is made of sand-lime blocks, which to accumulate heat in the building and at the same time improve the resistance due to their high volumetric weight advantageous due to the nearby scrapyard. The house has to external noise. This property is particularly The house's advantages include the extensive terrace on the roof of the garage, one floor above ground and a habitable attic. Among which is accessible from the living loft. The main entrance northwest side, facing the adjacent road. and the entrance to the property and the building are oriented to the The main part of the house is covered with a gable roof with a 40° pitch, which is covered with photovoltaic roofing. Variability: The main advantage of this house is its variability. This variability allows for the needs and life changes of the owners. For example, the house can easily be divided into two small building modifications to change the layout of the house to accommodate the actual units plus it has its own entrance and driveway, providing privacy and independence for both completely separate units, opening up the possibility of renting one of them. Each of these parts of the house. This flexibility not only increases the functionality and value of the property, but also offers the owners the ability to use the space efficiently according to their needs at the moment.

Martin Mikulka

CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Czech Republic



Architektura Private House

Rada studentům

Moderní bydlení v klasickém stylu

Dobrý den pane Mikulko, povedl se Vám moc pěkný projekt rodinného domu, který se bude jistě líbit investorům. 

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