Marco Salvatore Colletti
Project manager, Engineer, Architect and Interior Designer. Currently he works at Studio Marco Piva, an Architectural, interior and product design reality of 75 people in Milan with seats in Shangai, Beinjing Moscow, Saint Peterrsburg, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Los Angeles and Mumbai. Good communication skills and intercultural skills acquired over the years working together with colleagues and clients from all the world. Excellent management skills and work organization demonstrated in the role of project manager. Interest in travel and knowledge of other cultures. Education: 2016 - MASTER in INTERIOR DESIGN at POLITECNICO DI MILANO - SCUOLA POLITECNICA DI DESIGN; MILANO 2014 - Graduation in INGEGNERIA EDILE ED ARCHITETTURA (CLASSE 4S) at SCUOLA POLITECNICA – UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI PALERMO – PALERMO 2014 - VISITING PROJECT IN LITHUANIA – CIVIL ENGINEERING at VILNIAUS GEDMINO TECHNIKOS UNIVERSITETAS – VILNIUS Lectures: Teache of PRACTICAL MASTER in INTERIOR DESIGN ONE YEAR COURSE at ITALIAN DESING INSTITUTE _ MILAN (FROM 2019 TO TODAY) Teaching assistant in POLYTECHNIC DESIGN SCHOOL at MASTER MID_MILANO (FROM 2017 TO TODAY)