Christian Gasparini

Christian Gasparini



Christian Gasparini teaches and researches at Politecnico of Milan, dedicating his activity to architectural urban and landscape plans of sea ports and railway stations, cultural centers, media libraries and libraries, university and temporary residences in Italy and Europe. Expert in bioclimatic planning at the University of Bologna, in 2000 he worked in Chile, to the international workshop and masterplan of Valparaiso city centre, that followed the election of the city to the status of humanity heritage by Unesco. Many are the participations in international meetings and conferences. In 2018 he founded a new architecture and landscape book series named Terzo Luogo and published by Licosia. In the same year he published "Smart Cities vs Smart Territories", a sort of debate with Elisabetta Bello, Maria Teresa Gabardi and Nunziante Mastrolia on the idea of smart cities. In 2019 he published "il progetto come connessione - architettura città paesaggio". The book is a research on the architectural fundamentals, in which the figure of the link/connection is the plan principle of architecture, city and landscape. In 2001 he found NATOFFICE, an architectural and urban planning practice, based in Reggio Emilia and Milan. NAT OFFICE, combining theoretical approach with applied research, turns its attention to the relationship between architecture, city and landscape and investigates modular structures and exhibit design in order to experiment typologies, morphologies and scales, for a new identity between place and people. Private and public architecture realizations are intertwined with the research on urban strategies to generate flexible interfaces and on modular structures that can be assembled and disassembled in different configurations. NAT OFFICE wins several awards in international and national competitions, such as Masterplan for Sport Citadel in Testaccio Rome or New Lorenteggio Library in Milan.


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