
Study Room Modification

Alena Dolzhikova
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Project idea

While studying in Europe in typical classroom for architects, I see how it takes for granted to have hooks on the walls for jackets, plenty amount of sockets for laptop works and simply basic storage zone. In some of Russian classrooms it can be only a future... Studying 2 years in Kazan, Russian city where I come from, it is not common to be much comfortable in a study process. The modification of existing classroom was an university competition with a hope on further realization. I couldn't miss a chance to try to make a change in my University, and finally raise the idea that classroom can be comfortable, cozy and appealing to work in!

Project description

The classroom is the existing classroom in KSUAE University, Russia, where I have been working for 2 years. The problems while studying were identified: - random zoning, - absence of wardrobe (necessity in winter times), - uncomfortable surrounding and atmosphere (while spending most of the days in this classroom), -no opportunity to have a circular movement during the project assessment (exhibition function); -lack of sockets; -no storage places for models and instruments;
New main zones were added - separated wardrobe cell, storage areas, and opportunity for circular moving.
Design and color pallete were chosen in a pastel way for having more comfortable atmosphere. I've added the fito-plants panel since contact to nature is also known to bring pleasure for eyes and to reduce stress, especially in intensive long day working time.

Technical information

Users: minimum student's group - 25 ppl, 2 teachers.
In the existing auditorium it is proposed to add:
- multimedia projector
- marker blackboard
- study tables equipped with individual sockets
- storage zone
- cork board 9900x2100mm ( to pin the last year projects as the best examples, and for final assessments)
- fito-plant panel 2100x900mm
-closed wardrobe zone
-double sockets 31p.

-The furniture was selected according local markets, and not high budget for realization. 4 types of lamps – 36 p. In total.

-The study table (V-shape) and wardrobe zone were designed specifically for this project. Study table include 3 individual places with electro blocks with 3 double sockets. Individual space is 1100x600 mm. Materials : metal frame, wood, concrete panels. Wardrobe zone. Area is 4.2 m’2. Designed : 2 levels hanger and mirror opposite to the entrance. Storage. Area is 0.8 m’2, where trashbox, shelves for models, instruments and boards are placed.

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