Urban Design and Landscape

landscape grading and ecological responsive leisure garden design

kirubel tadesse
mekelle university

Project idea

concept of ecological urbanization have became the era of landscape and garden design to create a healthy and active environment by creating a non carbon emission landscape elements and plantations.

Project description

The project basically focuses on industrial building site compounds as a target area , the statement of the problem was , factory/industrial building have a dead and emissive (galvanized shit or metal) which practical have different negative impacts on the workers and on the environment it self , this project manly aims first to provide the appropriate grading/slope alignment and design of the landscape including the facades of the factory , so in general the project tried to accomplish grading design , landscape design , leisure garden design and facade treatment by wall mounted plantations to minimize heat island effect and emissions towards the environment, so that we could create a very comfortable working environment and compound for factory workers and also a huge contribution on the idea of ecological urbanism.

Technical information

1- Storm water tree pits are the preferred treatment device in locations where large trees are a feature of the streetscape. Areas such as the Central City, suburban centers, and some new business areas fit this criterion.

For storm water treatment function alone, rain gardens are likely to be preferred to tree pits as they will be cheaper. However, the marginal cost of a storm water tree pit over a correctly sized conventional tree pit means they are economical where trees are planned to be installed for streetscape reasons.

Storm water tree pits come in many forms. Where the storm water pipe network is deep enough or where a submerged outlet is installed tree pits can be connected to storm water pipework in the street.

tree pits which are slightly depressed below the pavement surface can provide a passive irrigation function that both benefits tree health and reduces stormwater discharges.The design of stormwater tree pits is very dependent on the site constraints.

A water quality volume based on a first flush rainfall depth of 20 mm should be provided if possible.

2- Rain gardens help remove pollutants and slow down stormwater flows, recharge freshwater bodies and look attractive.

Rain gardens work by ponding stormwater in the planted area, which is then filtered through the soil mix and by plant roots. These absorb and filter contaminants before stormwater flows into surrounding ground, pipes, drains and streams, and eventually to the sea.

Generally, a slotted or perforated pipe under drainage system within a granular drainage layer is included at the bottom of a rain garden if the rain garden is connected to the storm water pipeline in the street.Wet rain garden media and carefully excavate or fill to achieve finished level.
The finished level should create the ponding area to below level of surround ground to prevent runoff bypassing rain garden

3- Green facades are a type of green wall system in which climbing plants or cascading ground covers are trained to cover specially designed supporting structures.

Rooted at the base of these structures, in the ground, in intermediate planters or even on rooftops, the plants typically take 3-5 years before achieving full coverage. Green facades can be anchored to existing walls or built as freestanding structures, such as fences or columns.

Self-clinging plants such as English Ivy have commonly been used to create green walls.Their sucker root structure enables them to attach directly to a wall, covering entire surfaces. These aggressive plants can damage unsuitable walls and/or pose difficulties when the time comes for building maintenance and plant removal.

The building block of this modular system is a rigid, light weight, three-dimensional panel made from a powder coated galvanized and welded steel wire that supports plants with both a face grid and a panel depth. This system is designed to hold a green facade off the wall surface so that plant materials do not attach to the building,

The cable and wire-rope net systems use either cables and/or a wire-net,Cables are employed on green facades that are designed to support faster growing climbing plants with denser foliage.

4- i recommend bicycling and bicycle parking as the most affordable and sustainable travel choice than the automobile and establishes this inside the factory will alter the workers to have the concept of ecological urban through using environmental friendly transportation system.

Long-term parking is for bicycle parking needs of longer than two hours and for people who bike that may be willing to travel further to access it in exchange for greater security and protection from the elements.

Bicycle parking plays a key support role to the bicycle network. more people would be enticed to ride bicycles if the proper support facilities were more widely available.

Providing good bicycle parking is not as simple as it may seem and bad examples are unfortunately all too common. If not overlooked completely, bicycle parking is often viewed as a mundane and unexciting feature of the built environment that requires little attention.

At the other extreme, well-intentioned
attempts to dress bicycle parking up can easily yield unsatisfactory results.



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