
INSPIRELI - Earthly elements - Earth, Wind & Water. Space recycling

Magda Knajdek, Karolina Michalak, Angelika Kitlas
Gdańsk Technical University (Politechnika Gdańska), Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk

Project idea

In our project, the first design step was to become familiar with all
geographical, economic and social conditions of Burkina Faso. As a country so far removed from our native Poland, we were fascinated by this country so far different from ours. Designing in a place you don't know at all, was a challenge, but knowing the assumptions and expectations of the theatercommunity, as well as learning about the culture, nature and economy of Burkina Faso, we focused on recycling space.
In line with sustainable development, we have designed a self-sufficient
complex that responds more widely to the needs of this place. We think
that we have taken a step further and went a little ahead in terms of
competition expectations, because in our design process, apart from a
strong emphasis on culture, art, dance, game or choreography, we provide renewable energy sources and combine it all through creative creation workshops.
Our intention is self-sufficiency and creativity. Using what surrounds us and drawing inspiration from it definitely reduces any production costs, e.g. materials, but also strongly stimulates creativity. Practicality, but also
creativity. We think that these two features best describe our project. We
want to use what Mother Nature gives us.


Our project focuses on:
culture, dance, art & choreography
bold ideas
sustainable development
climate change and its effects

Project description

Our design assumption was to use what currently exists on the site. We
have redesigned existing buildings for the LABO, WORK and SHOW zones, adding only what we thought was necessary.

WORK zone: the arrangement of individual rooms constituting the back
office of the theater was dictated by the functionality of the facility. We
tried to arrange this zone so that it would be as useful as possible. To this
end, we enlarged the stage and slightly changed the previous room
divisions so that they fit the current needs. We also decided to add a
semicircular roofing around the rear of the theater, thereby creating space for a conference room with kitchen facilities, while the other part we decided to allocate to the public terrace.

SHOW zone: arranged in the existing revitalized theater building. The
consequence of enlarging the stage was the removal of 3 rows of
audiences and the change of location of the theater entrances. We placed ticket purchase points at the main entrances, one at the very entrance to the complex, while the other right in front of the theater door.

LABO zone: we adapted for it two existing buildings located at the
entrance. The main building, definitely dominating in space, we decided to allocate to educational zones divided into each discipline, i.e. dance, music and theater. In addition, we have expanded the building symmetrically with two additional modules, creating multimedia rooms in them. The existing pavilion was developed by us, creating a comprehensive photographic base in it. In its second part, we proposed creating a coworking zone.

In order to create a place that works on its own and taking into account
climate change, we have created an irrigation system based on a windmill, a well and a water pump. The way this system works is to use the rainy season and winds. Wind drives the windmill, and rainwater would be collected in a well. Thanks to the pump installed in the well, the water would be distributed. With such a system, we proposed to expand the creative activity of Théatre Populaire by running a garden where you can grow local plants, vegetables or fruit. You can also get energy thanks to the windmill.
We know that most of the year is summer in Burkina Faso, so unlike
European cities, life goes on outside. As summers are hot and winters are pleasant, we think that a good solution would be to introduce roofs that would protect against the sun, leaving opportunities for outdoor activities.
From roofs we would like to create something more than just shelter from the sun. As cotton processing is the main branch of the Ouagadougou industry, it is our idea to create a roof made of cotton braid. The roofing community could create itself on creative workshops. Ready braids would be used to roof the amphitheater stage on a linear structure that would be attached to the top of the stage and the side walls.

Technical information

We want to use locally available materials such as granite, gneiss or
Paleozoic sandstone and cotton. The roof and windmill construction could
be wooden or steel - depending on the economic possibilities and material


Eng. Of Architecture Angelika Kitlas
Eng. Of Architecture Magda Knajdek
Eng. Of Architecture Karolina Michalak
and our teacher: XZ PhD, Eng. Of Architecture Magdalena Podwojewska

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