
THE ROUTE BETWEEN GORJANCI AND KRKA - Kobila Stream as a space of social integration

Manca Brinar, Ajda Pršina
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of architecture, Ljubljana

Project idea

Potok Kobila je danes prezrt potencial v središču Šentjerneja. Ureditev zasleduje cilj urediti dostope in povezavo iz središča do zalednja kraja, z dodajanjem izobraževalnih vsebin vzdolž poti v naravni okolici potoka, za namen vsakodnevnih peš sprehodov in rekreacije. Projekt obsega celostno urejanje potoka, ki izvira v Gorjancih in se izliva v reko Krko. Prisotnost kakovostnih območji naravne krajine projekt izpostavlja kot ključne prostorske vrednote, ki lahko prebivalcem omogočijo kvalitetno bivanje in preživljanje prostega časa.
Sprehajalna pot gosti različne dejavnosti in povezuje edinstvane ambiente kraja med seboj. Načrtovana pot gradi na povezovanju že obstoječih poti in prehodov, izkorišča vse naravne prednosti in jih aktivira. Potok postane, z manjšimi dopolnitvami in ureditvami ter z minimalno finančno investicijo, nova prostorska kvaliteta kraja.
Izvirna je tudi dodana pravljična vsebina na vstopnih točkah vzdolž potoka, ki dogradi identiteto kraja. Pripoveduje jo sedem lesenih skulptur in vsaka zrcali svojo bajko o Gorjancih. Na umeščenih informacijskih tablah se na sprehodu spoznavajo avtohtone rastline, poljščine in drevesa, regulacija potoka ter zgodovina Šentjerneja, o kateri pričajo ohranjene stavbe ob poti (stara elektrarna na vodni pogon, mlin, žaga, perišča).

Sprehajalna pot vzdolž potoka Kobila je namenjena vsem ljudem, tudi kolesarjem in je poučne narave. Pomemben je tudi njena pravljična vsebina, ki jo določajo vstopne točke. To je sedem lesenih skulptur in vsaka izmed njih pripoveduje svojo bajko o Gorjancih. Poleg infotabel je pot raznolika, saj so vzdolž nje ustvarjeni različni ambienti, postavljene so klopi, ustvarjeni so prehodi čez potok, dvignjeni prehodi in zajezitve.

Today, the Kobila stream is a neglected potential in the center of Šentjernej. The arrangement pursues the goal of arranging accesses and connections from the center to the hinterland, by adding educational content along the trail in the natural surroundings of the stream, for the purpose of daily walks and recreation. The project includes the integrated regulation of the stream, which originates in Gorjanci and flows into the river Krka. The project highlights the presence of quality areas of the natural landscape as key spatial values ​​that can enable residents to have a quality stay and spend their free time.
The promenade hosts various activities and connects the unique ambiences of the place with each other. The planned route builds on the connection of already existing routes and passages, takes advantage of all natural advantages and activates them. The stream becomes, with minor additions and arrangements and a minimal financial investment, a new spatial quality of the place.
The added fairy-tale content at the entry points along the stream is also original, building on the identity of the place. It is narrated by seven wooden sculptures, each reflecting its own fairy tale about the Gorjanci people. On the information boards, you can get acquainted with autochthonous plants, crops and trees, the regulation of the stream and the history of Šentjernej, as evidenced by the preserved buildings along the way (old water-powered power plant, mill, sawmill, sawmills).

The promenade along the Kobila stream is intended for all people, including cyclists and is of an instructive nature. Also important is its fairytale content determine entry points. These are seven wooden sculptures and each of them narrates his fairy tale about Gorjanci. In addition to infotables, the route is varied as they are along different ambiences have been created, benches have been set up, passages have been created stream, elevated passages and dams.

Project description

Projekt obsega urejanje potoka kobila, ki poteka vse od Gorjancev in se izliva v reko Krko. Cilj ureditve potoka Kobila v Šentjerneju je povezati potok z novo sprehajalno potjo in že obstoječimi gozdnimi poti v Gorjancih ter s tem ustvariti zeleno, učno, rekreacijsko os skozi Šentjernej in ostale bližnje kraje. Sprehajalna pot gosti različne dejavnosti in povezuje različne ambiente kraja med seboj. Ureditev potoka Kobile je pomembna tudi zaradi zgodovinskih objektov, ki se nahajajo ob potoku in bi se lahko obnovile oziroma uredile tako, da postanejo del učne poti. Primer tega so stara perišča, elektrarna in mlin na vodni pogon. Novo načrtovana pot gradi na že obstoječih poteh in prehodih, izkorišča vse obstoječe prednosti in jih aktivira. Potok, ki je danes neurejen, bi z manjšimi dopolnitvami in ureditvami, ter z minimalno finančno investicijo pomenil novo prostorsko
kvaliteto bivanja in rekreiranja.

The project includes the regulation of the mare stream, which runs from Gorjanci and flows into the river Krka. The goal of arranging the Kobila stream in Šentjernej is to connect the stream with a new walking path and the already existing forest paths in Gorjanci and thus create
green, educational, recreational axis through Šentjernej and other nearby places. The promenade hosts various activities and connects
different ambiences of the place with each other.
The regulation of the Kobila stream is also important due to the historic buildings located along the stream that could be restored.
or arranged so that they become part of the learning path. Examples of this are old washing machines, a power plant and a water-powered mill.
The newly planned route builds on existing routes and crossings, takes advantage of all existing advantages and activates them. The stream that
is unregulated today, with minor additions and arrangements, and with minimal financial investment would mean a new spatial
quality of living and recreation.

Technical information

Sprehajalno pot sva načrtovale kot rekreacijsko, učno pot vzdolž celotne
struge potoka Kobila, do izvira, ki se nahaja na Gorjancih. Zato je pot poimenovana kot pot med Gorjanci in Krko. Osredotočile sva se na urejanje poti zgolj na območju občine Šentjernej, ki bi pomenila tudi dodatno naravno, kulturno, rekreacijsko in turistično popestritev kraja.

Velik potencial predstavljajo nekoč pomembne dejavnosti, ki so za svoje
delovanje izkoriščale vodni tok potoka Kobila, katerega so znali tudi spretno ragulirati. Vzdolž potoka so na zelo majhni oddaljenosti kar tri tovrstne starodavne dejavnosti, ki bi jih bilo vredno obuditi ter izkoristiti le te za učne namene nove sprehajalne poti.

We planned the walking trail as a recreational, learning trail along the entire length the bed of the Kobila stream, to the spring located in Gorjanci. That is why the path is named as a route between Gorjanci and Krka. We focused on arranging the route only in the area of ​​the municipality of Šentjernej, which would also mean additional natural, cultural, recreational and tourist enrichment of the place.

Great potential is represented by once important activities that are for their own operation took advantage of the water flow of the Kobila stream, which they also knew skillfully to regulate. Along the stream, at a very short distance, there are as many as three such ancient ones activities that would be worth reviving and using only for learning purposes new walking trails.


Manca Brinar "Everything seems appropriate to me!"


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