
“The poetics of expressive forms and spaces” – Kosovo war museum and memorial park as palimpsest of historical-memorial complex

Besfort Ramadani,Pashtrik Shehu
University for Business and Technology - UBT

Project idea

The recent war in Kosovo left a lot indelible traces in the environment where it took place. Conservation and the transmission of memory service as narratives that weave existing structures and exhibits of context where war and resistance in Drenica, as well as the development of the combination of new structures, memorials, installations and spaces for conservation,empower and transmit this Memory to future generations, and also to grow the economy of Prekaz through the promotion of tourism, focuses on the main goal of the project for the Park and Museum of the Kosovo War as the Palimpsest of the Complex
Memorial-Historical in Prekaz.
Liberation of Kosovo is the work of several generations of the Albanian people for national liberation and reunification. During World War II Albanians except dream of liberation and national unity, had created the illusions fed from the right and from the left that after the War Albanian lands with united and ethnic Albania would be formed.
The Kosovo War was an armed conflict in Kosovo that started in late February 1998 and lasted until 11 June 1999. It was fought by the forces of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia)

Project description

The concept came out of to through two abstract paintings.In the further continuation of this project we focused on natural analogies in Honeylocust tree.
Black and Violet Painting by Wassily Kadinsky - reveals Kadinsky's life during his departure from his homeland, where this painting has influenced us to make the connection between the painting and the treated topic "Museum of Exodus" where the common is departure of Albanian civilian population during the years 1998-99.
The painting Broadway Boogie Woogie by Piet Modrian-narrates the chaos created in the streets mainly of New York where through this painting is seen the movement of different lines showing the chaos. The connection is made with the topic treated "Museum of Exodus" The Serbian army commits genocide and have made chaos in the civilian population in Kosovo during 1998-99.
The Honey Locust is known as the Allied Tree from the needle used in World War II where thorns served as pins for uniforms, after realizing that Honey Locust had impact during the war, we were also inspired by the internal forms and started using these types of forms in our project.

Technical information

The construction of the Museum is made of Prestressed Hollowcore Slabs.
Hollowcore slabs are prestressed and precast concrete elements, manufactured using long line steel casting pallets.Prestressed concrete, and hollowcore slabs in particular, offer exceptional structural efficiency. Long spans and shallow units allow for low material usage, and better use of space within buildings.
Hollowcore is extremely durable, retaining its structural capacity for a lifespan of 100 years or more. Production of elements in a controlled factory environment reduces waste, noise and emissions.
Advantages of Prestressed Hollowcore:
Hollowcore slabs can be installed quickly and safely on-site in variable weather conditions, unlike in-situ concrete.
They reduce the number of workers needed on-site and provide an immediate unpropped working platform.
These benefits allow much faster completion of flooring and quicker erection of buildings, increasing profits for the contractor.


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