Urban Design and Landscape

Preserving the memory of an event.

Noor Hirsh
University of Petra

Project idea

'From wars of civilisations to religious toleration'.

The story of MAYFA’AH (Umm Ar-Rasas ) was buried under the ground and there are only a few ruins and fragments left, These hills have witnessed the memories of the area and saved them inside.
The project cracked these hills, relieved the memories and showed them to the public.

Project description

For many tourists travel to pilgrimage places is combined with other educational and holiday-type activities found in the immediate area. People travel to a widening variety of sacred sites not only for religious or spiritual purposes or to have an experience with the sacred in the traditional sense, but also because they are marked and marketed as heritage or cultural attractions to be consumed. They may visit them because they have an educational interest in learning more about the history of a site.

Since there are not many people know about the archaeological site in Umm Ar-Rasas , this project will support tourism by focusing on the importance of these sites, by offering spaces to educate people more about the history in the area Also, it will provide a comfortable and spiritual staying for pilgrims.
Also, it will provide spaces that would promote wellness and self-betterment. The project is intended to host a variety of spaces that encourage spiritual grounding within the urban context, which is at times hectic, overwhelming, and spiritually daunting.

A spiritual trip is an inexpensive trip. It is inexpensive yet rich with knowledge and experience. It is a journey through the history of great nations........ A site is characterized by calm, spiritual, and religious tolerance. It is a city that is worth exploring.

The project focuses on highlighting the city of Umm Ar-Rasas, its history, culture, and architectural identity. The project is an interpretation centre that tells the story of the great city of Umm Ar-Rasas.

Since Jordan is known for its cultural, heritage, and natural tourism the project will draw a great attention to the area which will have a positive impact on the city and its community regarding new job opportunities and economic values.

Technical information

Site location: Umm ar-Rasas , Jordan

Therefore, the project will consist 2 main parts:
1- Residential Program + meditation
2- Education Program ( interpretation centre)

Three Main Target Groups:
1- Pilgrims individually or in groups
2- Tourists
-From Jordan
-From all the world

Project area: 13000m2

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