
Urban Intervention, Sustainable Housing - HEM

Camila Ramayo, Tomás Rougier
National University of Moreno

Project idea

A project that seeks to solve the problem of sustainability by understanding the human factor, which has as a basic need from its origins, to inhabit.

The purpose is to achieve sustainable housing from its material, constructive aspects; grant flexibility of growth, and a sensitive approach to the social, defined through a strong connection with nature, home and family, which allows life and human development.

If we start from the premise that architecture is a social service, we must emphasize the bioclimatic tendency, taking into account in the design the environment, the favorable orientations, and the natural resources available such as: sun, vegetation, rain and wind.

In pursuit of the sustainability of the environment, the architecture that takes into account the climate and environmental conditions will help to achieve the desired hygrothermic comfort by involving and playing exclusively with the design and architectural elements.

Also, it can be said that the bioclimatic architecture is nothing else than the rationalization of the economic and of the whole constructive process. The proposal of a modulated and rationalized housing, constructively and energetically, proposes a solution to the current problems. Understanding the environment and the development of the project to strengthen the sense of family and community is paramount to raise the social level and generate a sustainable life on a personal and urban level.

The house is then raised, in a large landscape overlooking the river and the dike, starting from a house of linear growth that can be adapted from a field of minimum conditions to a large area as chosen, taking advantage in each case, the guidelines and visuals that are created through courtyards and galleries maximizing spaces, creating generous feelings with the environment and the user.

Project description

El proyecto involucra ideas, diseños, desarrollos y acciones innovadoras que promuevan un cambio profundo en las problemáticas urbano-habitacionales, con foco en las áreas de sustentabilidad, innovación, diseño y conciencia social aplicable a la vivienda.

Un proyecto que propone una vivienda de tipo familiar situada en la vera del Dique Roggero del Río de la Reconquista de Moreno. La principal característica del diseño es una construcción con materiales nobles, amigables con la naturaleza que la rodea y, con especial detalle, en la utilización de sistemas modernos y ecológicos de ventilación, asoleamiento, tratamiento de aguas, e iluminación, entre otros.

Se busca despertar conciencia en la producción de un hábitat sostenible con el objetivo de crear impacto positivo en la forma de hacer viviendas en las diferentes ciudades.

Comprender como se vive y que el hogar refleje esa forma de vida, es indispensable para la sustentabilidad familiar. Donde las ventanas jueguen el rol de cuadros, que enmarcan un paisaje por el cual ingresa la luz y la casa respira, donde su marco puede ser un apoyo, y es ahí donde no es solo una ventana, sino un espacio.
Inscripta esta nueva tecnología en un espíritu de armonía con el medio y en función del hombre. Se propone como paradigma de esta nueva actitud: LA VIVIENDA SOSTENIBLE.

Ella posibilita un habitar más humano y más libre; No se trata de cuán grande sea la casa sino de cuan vividos sean sus espacios.

The project involves ideas, designs, developments and innovative actions that promote a profound change in the urban-housing problems, with a focus on the areas of sustainability, innovation, design and social awareness applicable to housing.

A project that proposes a family-type house located on the edge of the Roggero Dam of the Reconquista de Moreno River. The main characteristic of the design is a construction with noble materials, friendly with the nature that surrounds it and, with special detail, in the use of modern and ecological systems of ventilation, sunlight, water treatment, and lighting, among others.

The aim is to raise awareness in the production of a sustainable habitat with the aim of creating a positive impact on the way of making homes in different cities.

Understanding how people live and that the home reflects that way of life is essential for family sustainability. Where the windows play the role of frames, which frame a landscape through which the light enters and the house breathes, where its frame can be a support, and that is where it is not only a window, but a space.
This new technology is inscribed in a spirit of harmony with the environment and in function of man. It is proposed as a paradigm of this new attitude: SUSTAINABLE HOUSING.

It allows a more human and freer living; It is not about how big the house is, but how lived its spaces are.

Technical information

Being implanted in a place, away from conventional energy networks and urban services, a design was required that would allow maximizing its energy autonomy, taking into account the very hot warm temperate climate, with thermal amplitude, high relative humidity and heavy rainfall.

The bioclimatic resources adopted for this case were:

· Spaces oriented in order to obtain winter sun capture on windows and summer breezes in indoor and semi-indoor spaces.

· Orientation of the main facade to the north, and semi-covered spaces with maximum protection on the west facade, especially in summer.

· Eaves dimensioned to achieve protection of the north and west façade in summer, while allowing sun uptake in winter.

· Constructive components of the skin, ceilings, walls and floors, with good thermal insulation in order to conserve the interior heat.

· Light construction that allows the house to be cooled quickly at night in summer and effective solar heating in winter.

The project incorporates, in turn, a series of integrated design strategies, which complete the bioclimatic resources and promote building sustainability in a very sensitive area, because it is a natural area with very little intervention, vulnerable to environmental impacts , between them:

· Earth movements are avoided and the transport of materials is minimized through a light wooden construction, using panels and prefabricated openings.

· Wood contains carbon absorbed from the atmosphere during the photosynthesis process, which contributes to the reduction of GHG emissions, greenhouse gases.

· The design of the roofs allows the collection of water, which will be used for garden and garden irrigation, contemplating the possible implementation of a reservoir and / or rainwater collection tank. The same concept of water reuse is implemented for wastewater.

· Solar collectors are used for hot water and cooking; and wood as an additional source of renewable energy.

· A wind generator is also used, taking advantage of the strong southeasterly winds, in a flat terrain where this effect is enhanced. Understanding that the resource of solar panels depends on the economic possibility of each family.

In relation to the material resources that families have available, that is to say, those that are within reach, there is a housing that grows, that develops in stages, marked by the economic swings. Understanding this factor, the stageability of the project accompanies the development of each user, understanding the different types of family conformation and the growth that each of them can have, generalized in 3 stages:

1. First stage - 2 people (+ child): forming an initial stage with the basic spaces: 1 bedroom, service center (bathroom, laundry room), kitchen-dining room, living room and expansion / s.

2. Second stage - 2 to 4 people: expansion of the 1st stage through the half-covered (1 or 2). (bedroom and / or bedroom or workshop).

3. Third stage - 4 to 8 people: 3 room apartment.

These stages will respond to the growth of each family, in a linear manner and understanding the flexibility that must be understood, where spaces can be generated by adding new ones or expanding existing ones. The expansions are strategically arranged to complement the private and semi-public area, since the proposed growth is not in terms of rooms, but of complementary spaces that respond to the demands of the family.

This stage is proposed through a constructive module that takes the break to adapt to the axes of each sector. The conformation of the spaces and the relationship between them is carried out through the service nucleus, framed by the water tower. This space is strategically arranged understanding this sector should serve in the same way to each space without interfering in privacy.

Taking advantage of technology and work with wood, the openings combine to rationalize the excessive use of them .; strategically arranging the doors-windows that allow the circulation, expansion of spaces and ventilation of the same, without forgetting their orientations to generate pleasant spaces conditioned thermally. Demonstrating that technology is only a means of support and a tool to be able to rationalize the elements and improve them through innovations and design, both energetically and constructively.


Mariano Bascans

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