The design idea
The design idea originated from the most important element of the intangible heritage,
which is the traditional crafts that were mostly combined with geometric decorative
The decorative element adopted is the ten-pointed star.
This element has a certain philosophy among Muslim mystics, as the point they have in
the drawings symbolizes God.
When drawing, a point is fixed in the middle, and all parts of the element are directed
towards the center, even if they do not point to it in a geometric sense, but they revolve
around it in a regular geometric fashion as if it always points to that center without
reaching it, just like the philosophy of the one God from which everything comes and to
which everything returns.
When the drawing is finished, the center is erased so that it does not have a tangible
material effect, but the lines revolve around it and confirm its existence as the world
around us by the thought of Muslim mystics about the one God that exists and does not
The ornamental element was not used as it was in the past, but its philosophy was
preserved only to simulate the architectural and artistic trends of the postmodern
period that emphasize addition rather than selection, innovation and inconsistency, and
favors anarchic vitality over clear monism.
As for the external volumetric formations facing the public square and Al-Zaim Shukri AlQuwatli Street (the western and northern sides), the cubic shapes that are compatible.
with the general fabric surrounding advances and regressions were dealt with in a way
that achieves the ratio of the lengths of its retreating ribs to the advanced ribs, the
golden ratio of 1,618 on the western axis and vice versa on the northern axis.