
Mixed used develoment office

Syamirul Shaharudin
University of Science, Malaysia (USM), School Of Housing, Building And Planning (HBP), Architecture Department. Minden, Penang

Project idea

Conceptual Affix Essence meants Attach with Nature. The Attach or connect is being blend with inside and outside spaces naturally to create simply lifestyle in post pandemic for user &
communities with nature.

Project description

Students are required to design a high-rise mixed-use complex with combination of offices with
commercial podium and public amenities which can fulfill the vertical urban sprawl. The offices
can be a combination of SOHO/ SOFO/ SOVO, flexible office spaces as well as public spaces in
the sky. The challenge is to envision the new normal of the workplace post-pandemic in a highrise mixed development setting. The emphasis should be on the exploration of working
environment that is resilient and futuristic particularly addressing the post-pandemic.
The building should also achieve green building status with low energy consumption and
sensitive to other green issues. The site is located at Persiaran Bayan Indah, Bayan Lepas,
Penang on a 4 acre site

Technical information

An area that have opportunity become central point for all communities using Linkage/Connect with inside and outside Building. With implement Green spaces idea for Post-pandemic Building, the building aim to be comfort as much possible for the user in any conner of the spaces

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