
Unime Architecture College

Rafael Melo
Faculdade Unime de Ciencias Exatas e Tecnológicas

Project idea

The place is situated at a residential area. The goal as to make a project for a architecture school that could be integrated with the community.

Another goal was sustainability, since that such big project consumes a lot of environmental resources.

Project description

The building was planned to be made by steel structures, with an efficient construction and operation.
The project was made integrating building and community. That was made by opening study spaces for all, spaces such as library, auditorium and others.
The sustainability was provided by solar systems, water reuse and ecological techniques such as soil-cement bricks.

Technical information

The key elements for the technical solutions were soil cement bricks, steel structure, the solar panels, the green roof and the brise soleil, the provided not only a efficient and rational solution, but were key elements also for entire building appearance

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