

Garagate Atao Angela Carmen, Almerco Rosales Hatzumi Brighitt , Bastidas Lázaro Hugo Paul, Jove Contreras Cristina Jasmin
Continental University

Project idea

According to what is established in the chair of Project VII, the project is developed in the City of Beirut in Lebanon. To be more exact, the port of Beirut, where an explosion occurred 2 years ago, covering an area of ​​approximately 1.07 km 2 of which approximately 70% was damaged.
In the area there are different facilities, collector roads, arterial roads and others. There is also an area recovered from the aforementioned disaster. The topography of the project is not uneven, so it was not necessary to make abrupt changes or
floor leveling.

Project description

In the proposal, we first use the concept of resilience and union to carry out the zoning of each zone, such as: Industrial zone, tourist zone, cultural zone, semi-private zone. This in order to show how the citizens are in Beirut, and reflect through which process the city has been built. the culture and society that was formed from civil wars and problems like the explosion.
To design the areas established in the competition, first we must know the areas affected by the explosion and areas that need landscaping treatment, which can be given a use that will benefit economically as desired. Likewise, we consider that preserving the silo as a monument of cultural and social expression will identify the inhabitants with what they have experienced and what will be new.

Technical information

Likewise, according to what is established in the architectural program, the port of Beirut, to be more specific, the industrial zone has areas that must be considered with greater importance: port administration, silo building, container terminal, passenger terminal, general cargo, empty container area and finally the free zone. We also added areas such as warehouses and parking lots and pergola areas, so as not to make the tour of the industrial area tiresome.For the other areas located in the port, we are inspired by emblematic ports that share characteristics with the port of Beirut, such as: Puerto Callao, Puerto Vallarta. Tokyo port etc. we have coastal wetlands, museums, food court, amphitheaters, administrative buildings, boathouses, linear parks that will make the interaction between the port and the city less abrupt.


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