
children's hospice

Erik Sammel
Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia

Project idea

Architectural typology of daycare facility for children with special needs. Space that offers solitude yet does not separate its habitants from each other. Building where there are no dark corners and dead end hallways offering exposed circulation with contact to every room of the facility.

Project description

Single floor building with one continuous hallway passing through every single room of the facility as a river through forest. Each section of hallway designed to respond to the characteristics of the room it is passing through. Curtain in the auditorium to block sun and offer silence. Translucent glass in the office for exposed space and connection with inhabitants. Polycarbonate in the library to provide privacy yet enough light. Metal mesh panels in the food court and indoor garden to expose the smells of food and plants. PVC strip curtain in the big play room to respond to the active and vibrant nature of that space. All materials used lay bare. Concrete, polycarbonate, glass, PVC and metal in their natural aesthetics.

Technical information

Built area with a square floor plan. Forty meters in both directions accumulating with a 1600 square meters of space divided into smaller sections with a riverlike corridor meandering through rooms. Carbon reinforced concrete used for walls, roof and on the floor for sustainable construction. Glass walls on the exterior of the facility and recycled materials used in interior design.


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