
Resort complex for 1500 people in the municipality of Starigrad, Zadar County, Croatia

Polotsk State University

Project idea

The key idea of the project is to create the most comfortable resort complex in all seasons, taking into account modern technologies and various scientific achievements. Nature is the main key to this project.

Project description

Croatia is a Mediterranean country located in Central Europe. It borders Slovenia to the west, Hungary to the north, Serbia to the east, and Bosnia and Herzegovina to the south. The country also has a long maritime border with Italy in the Adriatic Sea (2028 km). Croatia covers an area of 56 thousand km2, where about 4.2 million people live. There are 1185 islands on the 1777 km Croatian coastline, not all of which are inhabited.
Starigrad is a Croatian village near Zadar, a popular tourist destination. This settlement with ancient traditions and history offers a variety of accommodation options,
restaurants, sports and other entertainment. This place is visited annually by up to 90,000 tourists.
The highway of international importance E65 passes through the entire settlement of Starigrad. To the south is the highway of international importance E71. In this regard, tourism in this area is very developed. Public transport in Croatia is underdeveloped, as carsharing is very popular. In addition, there is a water taxi, but so far it is not popular in Starigrad and the surrounding area due to its novelty.
The existing development on the site is represented by a few one-two-story houses for tourists and a pier for boats and yachts.
Resort complexes are an important component of the structure of recreational areas of both the region and the country as a whole. They form the tourism potential of the region to a greater extent and make a significant contribution to its economy. Modern resort complexes are multifunctional structures in which not only entertainment and recreational functions come to the fore, but also educational and restorative ones. In recent years, much attention has been paid to the environmental friendliness of recreation and the resorts themselves, so an important task in the design of the resort complex is to take into account the natural component of the resort, the greening of technologies and the mutual introduction of nature and architecture into each other.
This resort complex is a group of buildings, of which the hotel and commercial center buildings are the key and most developed in this project. The buildings of the hotel and the commercial center are multifunctional structures that meet modern requirements for such buildings. These requirements include the use of design solutions, materials and technologies that reduce energy consumption, resources that create improved conditions for the existence of man and nature.
Among the principles that were applied in the design of the resort
complex, it is worth highlighting the following:
- Use of local materials (for example, stones, tree species growing on the site);
-Small volumes of designed buildings. They should not interrupt the aesthetics of the natural landscape and the surrounding nature;
-Special attention to the recreational component of the complex,
psychological comfort of visitors;
-Attention to the person, inclusiveness;
- Abundance of light and water and greenery, application of green technologies (sustainability);
-Connection of architecture and environment, taking into account the relief in
configuration and shape of buildings and structures, effective
location to reduce earthworks;
-Zone without cars: developed pedestrian links, a system of paths for cyclists and other small vehicles, concealed car parks (underground, built into the building).
This resort complex is being developed on the territory of about 19 hectares and simultaneously accepts up to 1500 people. The greatest attention in this project is given to two critical public facilities: the commercial center and the hotel. They are the pearls of the resort complex, places of attraction, points where
resort life. The starting point in the design of the hotel and the commercial center (and the entire resort complex in general) is nature. It was decided to abandon strict, straightforward, regular forms in the volumes of buildings - in nature there are no perfectly square, rectangular elements - therefore, preference will be given to bionic forms.
Bionic architecture is deeply rooted in architectural ecology. Architectural ecology is a combination of practical ecology with architecture, one of the objective, socially determined areas that are being formed in the process of the evolution of society. In the course of development, architecture was supplemented by sociology, ecology and landscape, hygiene, economics, ethics and other sciences. Architectural ecology is aimed at taking into account the ecological needs of a person when creating buildings and ensembles (first of all, the need for a clean, beautiful environment and in nature) and taking into account the interests of nature. The new ecological beauty in architecture is the beauty of ecological buildings, districts, cities and countries in which elements of greening are systematically used, sometimes significantly changing their habitual appearance.
Bionic architecture is architecture deeply inspired by nature. Bionic architecture stands out among other areas not only for its forms, but also for the fact that it is based on the strict principles of bionics: saving resources, ecology and close contact with nature. It follows from this that the bionic architecture is as safe as possible for the environment.
an environment thought out in the direction of reducing the cost of natural resources during construction and operation, using the most "green" technologies (wind, solar energy).

Thus, it was decided to apply the principles of bionic architecture to the design of the hotel and the commercial center as much as possible, while giving nature a key role in shaping the image. In the hotel, which will be called "Water Garden Hotel", as the name suggests, water and gardens form the image. The atrium of the entrance group attracts with a real waterfall descending directly from the roof of the hotel and gradually turning into a pool; There are two greenhouse gardens inside the building, landscaping is provided on the roofs, and vertical gardening technologies are used on the facades. The hotel is crowned with a greenhouse, covered with a light translucent shell structure, imitating the flow of water with its shape.
The Wave commercial center is inspired by the waves of the sea and the mountains in which the resort is located. The shape of the building follows the geolines of the relief, and the volume is embedded directly into the hill itself, which allows it to blend in most harmoniously with the surroundings.
The volumes of both the hotel and the hotel center are cascaded floor by floor: the upper floor is smaller in total area than the lower one. Thus, the building is even better embedded in the mountainous terrain and there are opportunities to use the roofs for various functions, for example, to organize a museum space in a commercial center or a greenhouse in a hotel.

Technical information

The structural system used in the design of the hotel and the commercial center is a frameless transom. The vertical elements of the frame and the disks of the floor are a rigid spatial system.
Columns - monolithic reinforced concrete, radial and rectangular section (d=300 mm, 400x400 mm). In a frame structural system, the outer walls are self-supporting. The walls of the underground floor and parts of buildings embedded in the landscape are made of monolithic reinforced concrete. To support the cantilever part of the hotel building, V-shaped metal columns with a section of d = 900-400 mm are used.
The floor height varies in the hotel and in the commercial center. So, in a hotel, the height of the underground floor is 2.7 m, the first - 3 m, the second - 3.6 m, the height of subsequent floors is 2.7 m, the maximum height of the building from the level of clean
floor to the highest point is 17.4 m. The height of the first floor of the commercial center is 4.8 m, the height of the second and third floors is 3.6 m, the height of the building is 12.7 m. , frame frames are formed, which are interconnected by a continuous disk of the coating, which is important when designing in earthquake-prone areas.
Overlapping - reinforced concrete monolithic, t=200mm. The spaces of the atriums and the cinema hall in the commercial center are covered with monolithic coffered ceilings.
The design area is classified as relatively seismic (the chance of an earthquake is 10% in 100 years). One of the general principles for ensuring the seismic resistance of structures is the principle of solidity and equal strength of all elements of buildings and structures. Since, during the passage of a seismic wave, the base surface may experience tension in one direction or another, it is advisable to place the columns of frame buildings on solid foundation slabs, cross strip foundations, or to connect individual foundations and pile grillages with reinforced concrete tie beams. Due to the characteristics of the soil at the design site, a monolithic columnar foundation was chosen as the foundation.
Partitions are used prefabricated from gypsum concrete 200 mm thick and from ceramic bricks 100-120 mm thick. The use of prefabricated partitions speeds up the construction process and reduces wet processes at the construction site.
Also in the buildings of the hotel and the commercial center, decorative pylons made of ceramic bricks 200 mm thick with local stone trim are used.
The external enclosing structures of the hotel and the commercial center are made of ceramic brick with stucco finishing using stained glass windows.
An important feature of the roof of buildings is that it will be exploited (accommodation of sports grounds, greenhouse gardens and other spaces for recreation).
Built-in overflow pools are provided on the roofs of the hotel buildings and the commercial center. Pools on the roof of buildings will be made of concrete material.
The roof structure in the buildings of the hotel and the commercial center is mainly made on floor slabs, flat with an internal drain designed to drain rain and melt water.
The covering of the building of the commercial center provides for special openings with a glazed superstructure – light lanterns. Along with lighting, these lanterns serve for the purpose of air exchange in the premises, as a result of which they can be called light-aeration ones. Such light lanterns will provide not only air exchange and insolation of the premises of the building, but also help to create an unusual appearance.
In the hotel building, a mesh shell structure is used as a cover for the greenhouse on the top floor and the pool. The shell used in the hotel building will consist of load-bearing metal rods and glass filling.
Levels are connected with the help of elevators and stairs, ramps and lifts.
Technical and economic indicators
Plot area = 9877 m2
Building area = 5940 m2
Floors = 5 levels + 1 underground = 6 levels
Total area = 20984 m2
Useful area = 19724 m
Building volume = 55551 m3
Working calculated area = 9220 m2
Plan compactness factor = 1.7
Planning coefficient = 0.94
Commercial center:
Plot area = 13766 m2
Building area = 5011 m2
Floors = 3 levels
Total area = 9637 m2
Usable area = 8909 m2
Building volume = 37948 m3
Working calculated area = 8018 m2
Plan compactness factor = 2.7
Planning coefficient = 0.94


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