

Université IBN Khaldoun, Département d'architecture
Burkina Faso

Project idea

Is architecture just the satisfaction of practical and economic needs?
Not only that, it must help promote a culture, tell a story.
Which led us to densify the culture more in our design.
Our concept brings us back to the palaver tree the organization of the primary school is done around the courtyard. This facilitates the interrelations between them.
The Laboratory area has easy access and has an empty space for outdoor work if necessary and the kitchen nearby, designed in traditional models and an outdoor space for outdoor preparation if necessary.
The toilets are also traditional and isolated given the odors and next to a barrel installation that collects water and filters an advantage for the lack of water.
The use of the brickwork will allow good air ventilation.
Administration at the main entrance for better visibility and control.

Project description

Our project is a primary school located in a rural environment in the south of SENEGAL
Composed of educational spaces (06 six classrooms) a court yard, administration, a teacher's room, toilets for teachers as well as students, a multi-purpose space, a space dedicated to care, a canteen for disadvantaged children, a storage

Technical information

Our choice of building materials is those of the premises, less expensive, very durable and mostly ecological.
Rosewood beams very resistant materials used for the roof, openings, bricks for the walls facilitated implementation,
Cement also for its ease of execution and resistance.
The corrugated sheet roof for the roof, there is a reminder with LOCAL BAMBOO FENCE cheaper is part of the constructive elements of Senegal.
We wanted to upgrade the local vernacular architecture, these adopted choices are simple and easily achievable.


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