

Darya Holub, Hankai Ye, Akansha Pandey, Dzmitry Sushkevich
The Architectural Association, AA School of Architecture, London
United Kingdom

Project idea

The project aims to design a commercial tower in London's temperate oceanic biome using evolutionary computation and the Wallacei program for optimization. The primary goal is to create a climate-responsive and contextual building that addresses the challenges of rapid population growth and climate change while harmonizing with the urban environment.
The project began by developing the building’s morphological organization. This analysis highlighted the challenges of constructing primitive geometry for simulation and influenced the establishment of objectives and fitness criteria tailored to London's environmental conditions.
Overall, the project demonstrates the potential of evolutionary computation and the Wallacei program in optimizing building design. It encompasses various aspects, from maximizing occupancy and evolving morphology to integrating green spaces and mitigating environmental forces. The final tower design balances structural, environmental, and social factors, resulting in a cohesive and efficient architectural solution that responds to the specific needs of its urban context.

Project description

The project employed evolutionary computation inspired by natural selection principles and optimized through the Wallacei program. A primitive shape was defined as the basis for optimization, with six genes specified to influence the building's form. These genes aimed to achieve four fitness criteria: maximizing surface-to-volume ratio, maximizing height difference, maximizing floor area difference, and minimizing solar radiation. Using these parameters, a simulation generated 600 phenotypes, with the optimization process assessed through parallel coordinate graphs. The team evaluated the best-performing phenotypes and identified the optimal prototype, which served as the basis for the façade simulation.
The façade design was dictated by the building’s shape, aiming to complement rather than compete with it. The façade includes two systems: an accordion-like structure that adjusts its length based on sunlight to create optimal shade during the summer, and balconies that connect the building to the adjacent park. This design ensures that the façade provides shade without significantly blocking daylight.
To address the dynamic effects of wind load, the team analyzed the vertical wind profile in urban conditions, noting the reduction in wind speeds in high-density areas. This data informed the design of balconies with green spaces on the eastern and western facades. The façade system was further optimized to reduce vortex shedding and mitigate wind-induced forces, enhancing structural stability.

Technical information

Evolutionary Computation and Wallacei Program
The project utilized evolutionary computation based on natural selection principles, optimized using the Wallacei program. Six genes influenced the building's form, targeting four fitness criteria: maximizing surface-to-volume ratio, height difference, floor area difference, and minimizing solar radiation.

Simulation Process
A simulation generated 600 phenotypes, which were assessed through parallel coordinate graphs to identify the best-performing prototypes. These served as the basis for the façade design.

Building Morphology
The primitive shape was a 25x25 meter square with a core measuring 10x10 meters, housing four staircase elevator units for efficient vertical circulation.

Facade Systems
The façade design included two systems:
1. Accordion-like Structure: Adjusts length based on sunlight for optimal shade.
2. Balconies with Green Spaces: Connect the building to adjacent park areas.

Wind Load Mitigation
Wind profile analysis in urban conditions informed the design, incorporating features to reduce vortex shedding and enhance structural stability.

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