Interior Design

Willow Weave Creation

Ezgi Su Demirci
University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering and IT, Institute of Architecture (UP FEIT IA)

Project idea

Roma population in Eastern Europe represents a diverse and resilient com¬munity with a rich cultural heritage, but one that continues to face significant social, economic, and political challenges throughout years. Romani people has been exposed to discrimination and social exclusion and become a con¬troversial topic specifically after the fall of the communism. Besides that this segregation in society generates urban gentrification on the Romani people’s ‘right to the city’ across. This urban problem can also lead lack of education opportunities in romani communities. The purpose of this study is to examine the practice of willow weaving—a old traditional cultural craft that belongs to Romani People —and explore its potential future applications within both urban and architectural context. Also research questions revolves around the sustain¬ability of materials used in willow weaving, its cost-effectiveness, and the po¬tential for this craft to contribute to increasing employment rates where Romani Communities are in majority. During my research and experiences in different areas, I’ve seen how indigenous communities, including the Romani, are often marginalized in culture, urban living, and lifestyle. I believe architecture is a powerful tool for socio-political change. This fellowship offers a vital chance to engage deeply with the Romani, respecting their cultural craft through basket weaving. My aim is to use this interaction to create impactful solutions that improve the lives of marginalized communities.

Project description

The purpose of this study is to examine and re create the practice of willow weaving—a old traditional cultural craft that belongs to Romani People —and explore its potential future applications within both interior and architectural context. The functions of Willow Weave Creation are atelier and shop tha locates Jókai tér 2, Pécs

Technical information

Incorperation of design elements into historical building is different in terms of creating layout that is useful for every different occasion in space. Therefore as a design decision fluid structure were preffered, that does not interfere as a solid wall in the space.

During the research and design process, the existing facade of the building was respected. There was no radical changing on the facade, however the logo the atelier and, external shading thats is made out of the willow were placed to above the the existing dorm.

Grid System for Structure
To construct willow ceiling element, I had to design organic grid system that has approximate 50-100 cm in between profiles. This structure will be cut according to scale and alignment of two main pieces. The cuts will be horizontal and verti¬cal. After this process, and the structure will be transport to space and assemble there by the local people.

Willow Weaving Surface
To construct willow ceiling element, the application of the willow will be singular and mostly and horizontal in space. After the installation of grid system, willows can be also weaved by local people according to to the width of the space. This practice will create a bridge between cultural heritage and architecture for hungarian people.

Every light has different rotation according to fludity of form. Eventhough this application seems like unpractical and hard to manage, the affect of lighting becomes more natural and traceble through eyes. Lights are place near to inter¬sections of the grid structure.

Every hinge and metal rope length has different height according to fludity of form. During the assemble process it will be marked and positioned. In total there are 65 metal rope and hinge.

The form of the gallery space has modified from hexagon form to more simple form which is rectangle. This shape will give opportunity to perceive the ceiling easier way.

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