Paulina Ćwięczek
Silesian University of Technology, (Politechnika Śląska), Faculty of Architecture, Gliwice
The idea behind the project is to open up the space for every kind of student and person – whether or not they are fully capable of doing everyday tasks,… more
Romuald judicaël
Concevoir des espaces de vie qui respectent davantage l'environnement et qui prennent en compte le… more
at first i appreciate the dimension of the design and furniture wich demonstrate that they have no limits by using many lines.
But i need to see the design in integration of environnement because we plan for the people and in specific environnement
Best regards to the materials, his flexibility i think personnaly we can combinate wood and another materials if possible, not only wood , we need complexity and also simplicity
You can propose a green roof to protect people ...a wastebasket too
This design is too simple and need to be ameliorate and shine
best regards to create green space
Best regard to the light too you can integrate it in the wood or on the ground
think ecological !