FA VUT - Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
Czech Republic
Kulturní dům není pouze strohá monumentální budova manifestující moc socialismu, jak je povětšinou v kontextu České republiky známo - může to být i místo, kam… more
Edna Langenthal
Phenomenology of architecture, Philosophy more
Dear Nikolai
The thought of a square that accompanies your structure is beautiful. Following on, from what you wrote about what a cultural building is for you, it was important to include your interpretation in the spatial sense as well, what do you think is its role in the cultural building? how do you interpret it as a space? Perhaps the introduction of additional content would have changed the facades and space of the building. Perhaps an interpretation of the square as a space and not just as a preliminary surface would have helped you dismantle the institution called a cultural structure that in the first sentences of your text you want to dismantle, or pass criticism on.
I wish you good luck in the future.
All the best