Prakhar Rastogi, Vaibhav Gupta
Sushant School of Art and Architecture, Gurgaon
Click On Show Pdf: For High Quality Gurgaon has been creating a distinction between societies, since the day it began sorting out itself. Here, rural Gurgaon… more
Hendre Erasmus
University of the Free State
South African
Education, Healthcare, Hospitality and Industrial more
The project is theoretically well explored.
The presentation and explanation is clear and comprehensible. I love it that the building itself becomes kinetic art and communicates its function(s).
I would have enjoyed the implementation of the theoretical approach to the expression of the building (facade design). How transparent is the building. Could the different functions be articulated on the facade?
The mechanics of the structure has also not been fully resolved.
All and all a very interesting project. All the best!