Daria Bal
Silesian University of Technology, (Politechnika Śląska), Faculty of Architecture, Gliwice
The leading idea shaping the creation of subsequent stages of the project was to create a solid naturally blending into the coastline. The first design step… more
Zigar Khan
My design focus is to fulfil the clients requirements, expectations and goal achievement through… more
Your design concept is very good and eco friendly. This design reminds me the beautiful words of Sir frank Lloyd Wright
" Study Nature, Love Nature, Stay Close to Nature, It will never fail you". I appreciate your work and design concept. I must add few things, The first thing is you are working on eco friendly design all the space are properly designed linked with natural environment. But you must focus on materials which you are using for such a beautiful design. Try to utilize the natural construction materials. Use of natural stones, mud and lime stone will make the design more eco friendly and will also effect the energy and construction cost. Early cementitious composite materials typically included mortar-crushed, burned limestone, sand and water, which was used for building with stone, as opposed to casting the material in a mold, which is essentially how modern concrete is used, with the mold being the concrete forms.