Ziyad Hibatulloh
Diponegoro University, Semarang
A restaurant & cafe is basically a public space that serves one of human needs, namely food. Although eating food here is the main goal, this activity is… more
Architect and PhD Lecturer.Vice-Dean of studies and student affairs - Faculty of science and… more
Dear Zyad,
I thank you for this project as simple by the image it offers as complex by the process of reflection that generated it.
The complexity of the architectural project must indeed emanate from the thought on the space more than that on the volumetric composition, it is my opinion. In your case, we can guess the importance of creating coherent spaces, which have meaning and which create an atmosphere.
However, it is on this point that I am going to take you back, by addressing the importance of scenography in this type of project.
The scenography intervenes in the shaping of the space through its own capacity to apprehend architecture in a singular and plural way at the same time. It feeds on other arts (architecture, visual arts, literature, dance, music ...) but it also feeds them.
It is then a question of inventing and materializing the space and the path of an imagination that suits the user as a spectator.
For that, I recommend that you use diagrams and sketches in your explanatory board, which would allow you to understand the different aspects of the genesis of your project, a common thread, points of tension, guiding axes.
This, not only to express your approach to others but so that you can distance yourself from your conception and measure the relevance or not of certain choices.
For example, I find it difficult for the moment to pick up on your plans a unifying idea, an allusion of centrality, linearity, tension, opposition, etc.
A good indicator of the right course to follow is when the images you offer show more than the space, the furniture, or the layout. We should rather read a temporality, movement, changes of state, light atmospheres, allusions of openness, closure, oppression, or liberation.
I often recommend that my students generate 3d images of interior spaces without furnishings and wall textures, to discover if the space has added value and goes beyond the banality of a container, a shelter.
I hope that these few indications will encourage you to explore additional avenues. I wish you much success.