Kamila Boroch, Katarzyna Jasińska, Lidia Liberska
Wroclaw University of Technology, (Politechnika Wrocławska), Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław
One possible answer to today's problems may be hybrid structures that include places to live, work, entertain, stay modern, and finally produce food in a… more
Masud Rashid
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Dhaka
Sustainable and humanitarian housing for all. more
The project has been done in a very systematic academic approach considering the issue of sustainability. The building itself is well-connected with many perimeters. Only 2 observations I can make for her future development:
1. Use of that much wood may not be resilient to our planet's environment.
2. Need to keep in mind the iconic image of such a public highrise building.