Hamzah Noman
Queen Arwa University
The idea of the marine biology and aquarium museum is inspired by the sea waves, two waves, calm and strong waves. The project follows the deconstructive… more
Dear Hamzah Noman,
For a start, I would like to express gratitude to the INSPIRELI AWARD structure for the honor of giving recommendations for your participants.
This project of the marine biology and aquarium museum serves as a good example of architecture inspired by nature. Sea waves are well-read in the image of the building. It is a professional move to add the hand sketch. The topic is well well chosen, from the description it's clear that it matters for the territory. The shape of the building is creative, bionic, and fits perfectly to the function of the project.
As I can see, there is some non-efficient building area, so the plan could be improved a bit, but it is not so necessary for this function. And the linear master plan is not quite suitable for the curvy shapes of the museum.
Overall, the project shows how well the participant can solve design challenges and realize creative forms.
Thank you for your participation, I am pleased to supervise such creative projects.
Best regards,
Dear Anna Afanasieva,Your feedback on my project has left a positive impact on me..I hope that my project will be implemented in reality in the future.