Stefan Stanković
GAF - University of Niš - Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Interior Design
The main idea is to create sustainable building with the application of green architecture. Used the effect of light and shades with windows. Reach illusion… more
In my opinion, this work is great example of a harmonious combination of colors, textures, and materials. The main guest area is well organized, here we can observe professional choice with opposition brutal dark furniture to huge masses of plants.
Let's talk about disadvantages, I need to mention panels composition, definitely the project is well filled and elaborated, but to facilitate perception it is worth using more free space. The arrangement of the furniture at the entrance area can be slightly changed, there is no room for passing. I would also like to see a slightly more developed toilet area, in real use there would be technical and ergonomic inconsistencies.
Overall, the project is well designed and shows the student's skills in handling programs and solving design problems.