Sneha Maliat
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet
Inspiring the students and teachers to be collaborative with each other. more
Bangun I R Harsritanto
Universal Design more
concept of sharing, comfortable to stay in school, vernacular material were not clear enough delivered by panels
add some illustration about vernacular material, such: there are a lot of bricks in your area, show interaction between the teachers and pupils, etc rather than inners court with individual activities
in response of outdoor and indoor, there are good to bring many voids, however, how about the rain characteristics in your area? how to deal with windy rain in your place? are corridors, your solution to those?
add more information of your design ideas and correlate it with the project drawings
illustrations mean project drawing with suitable explaination of concept (words or detail sketch) are more powerful to deliver messages rather than rendered pictures