Anna Yakubova
SFU Academy of Architecture and Arts
Russian Federation
The main idea of my project is to renovate old typical russian boulding names "Khrushchyovka" to the really greater modern house. more
Hadeer Merza
Housing and place making, urban design more
In reference to the project brief:
"special attention was paid to improving the comfort of living, as a result of which the apartments were completely redeveloped, their area was increased, balconies were expanded, an elevator was added. In addition, the 6th floor was designed, which made it possible to create two-level apartments with large verandas."
I could not find any architectural drawing that answers all that was mentioned above:
How did the student contribute to architecture:
Improving the comfort of living.
Apartments were completely redeveloped.
The area was increased.
Balconies were expanded.
Elevator was added.
The 6th floor was designed, which made it possible to create two-level apartments with large verandas.
No drawings that show the transformation of the project; before and after.
No construction drawing or sketches illustrates the articulation and the additions in relation to the existing structure.