Виктория Сергеева
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
Russian Federation
As in many small settlements in the Russian Federation, residents face the problem of lack of jobs. Work in Karelia is usually seasonal, and therefore seasonal… more
Priyan Hettipathirana
Sri Lankan
Create a built environment that can coexist with the nature. more
Hello Cepreeba,
the idea is interesting. You have resolved with a form. Can you give logical reasons with supporting annotations and sketches strengthening the inspiration of the form and its connection to the order and the hierarchy of the spaces in the proposal.
What challenges do you think you would face in try to achieve this form. How do you think you will resolve the construction details and integrate technology. Discuss with your tutor these challenges.
How can this be built with minimal resources to make it sustainable given the economical conditions under which this venture will have to operate.
all the best
Archt. Priayn S. Hettipathirana