Arina Litiagina
The Southwest State University (SWSU)
Russian Federation
Coursework of a residential complex for 1,000 inhabitants.The design of the new residential complex in the existing residential area with existing engineering… more
Maram Abbas
urban planning, planning protection coastal cities& waterfronts from sea level rise. to provide… more
Dear Arina Litiagina thank you for your efforts but i hope this recommendation and feedback help you to develop more.
firstly, the community center that you placed at the above corner isn't with directly connection with all function project so it can't service hole people in the project specially those who accommodate in the bottom towers so i prefer located it at the point near as possible as from all function. also the its necessary separate the club about the commercial services because it different function with deferent needs so it wouldn't prefer put them in one mass.
secondly, the sport center: its place is good but it's not connected with the residential functions with clear boulevard.
thirdly, there isn't clear square dedicated for school, it must be privet square surrounding by wall for school to allow for students do their activities.
it would be better if the sport center in relation with court space which mean create sport interactive zone at the center of the project.
fourthly, there is really problem in infrastructure. it's wrong to create street wrap around blocks without any need for them. the street in the residential areas should be behind the blocks just to reach the parking near the blocks for easy accesses " ambient service" to avoid the intersection with pedestrian circulation and car circulation.
another point there isn't any clear ramp to hints the entrance point for underground parking.
fifthly, the boulevard doesn't connect all functions together, which in the result it doesn't achieve good interactive.
finally if we zoom in the blocks plan we can see at 76 the bathroom is apposite of the entrance which wrong, and in 71 there isn't any accesses to kitchen except from the balcony. it should be access from the entrance. as well as in the 49 the bathroom vary far from the night section "bedrooms".
at the community center there isn't accesses from the service elevator to warehouse.
but obviously we can notice nice landscape, beautiful exterior rest and sittings , and nice planning for public spaces.
wish you all the best