Marie Charvátová
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Republic
Klánovice, part of Prague, iconic with its lands with many trees on each of them. As we walked through Klánovice, the symbol was clear. I wanted to stick to… more
Pierre Tatem
Climate and environmental sensitive architectural design. Creating environments that enhance the… more
Hi Marie,
This is a delightful little project that has so many applications. In addition to being used in parks, I can see this in urban areas where natural trees may not exist or the conditions are difficult for vegetation to grow. This would also open the opportunity to possibly using photovoltaics in the membranes to power lighting for the immediate area for security or landscape lighting.
Dear Pierre Tatem,
thank you for your feedback it means a lot for me. Yeah one of architect on our faculty told me about photovoltaics membranes and i think that it is good idea. Previously i didn't know that it exist.
Thanks a lot Marie
Dear Mary,
Coming up with such a concept is quite good. A tree that resembles a library, superb. You ought to expand on this project, in my opinion. should consider the specifics and, most importantly, to keep following your dream. Being exceptional is fantastic.
Best wishes