Ekaterina Shorban
Siberian Federal University (SibFU)
Russian Federation
Идея проекта: восстановление функции ресторана, а также создание новых функциональных зон, таких как: рекреационные площадки и площадки для выставок,… more
Ayasha Siddiqua
KU Leuven - International Master of Architecture - Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent
Sustainable Design, Urban Design, Water Urbanism more
Positive Comments:
• Nice leveled connection with the nearby landscape
• Nicely interlocked with the landscape settings.
• Good universal accessibility
Critical Comments:
• Not using international language creates uncomfortable in understanding the entire project in detail
• Entry not defined
• The use of rooftop green and terraced green might help to replace the natural green by the designer thus sustainable design might ensure
• The hard surface compared to the built-up areas seems high, which could be reduced by the designed outdoor soft surface.
• Parking building could be avoided by surface parking otherwise, relocated under the restaurant block to avoid additional construction.
• Though the structural system is clear but sometimes it shows poor understanding.
• The service entry for the restaurant was not properly designed.